To get you started, Crates Easy Glow plugin comes with several presets. These each feature a different style and demonstrates the creative parameters Easy Glow offers.
Crates Easy Glow uses the GPU to reach photorealistic quality in the fastest time possible.
Crates Easy Glow is compatible on Windows and Mac devices on the latest versions of After Effects and Premiere Pro.
Crates Easy Glow is included in the LaForge suite, a collection of 15+ exciting plugins such including Chromatic Aberrations, 3D Fractals, Glows and Hologram Generators.
Try out Crates Easy Glow and the entire LaForge Suite with a watermark for Free. Simply install Portal, register for a Free account, and install the LaForge Suite.
The LaForge Suite is a collection of 15+ powerful plugins. With a Pro subscription, you can unlock these plugins, and access the entire ProductionCrate asset library.